

Damage range calculation

Base Damage

(Lowest Damage on a Weapon + Highest Damage on a Weapon) / 2

Damage range of a normal hit

(Base Damage + Bonus Damage) * (70%-130%)

Damage range of a critical hit

((Base Damage + Bonus Damage) * (70%-130%)) * (100% + Bonus Critical Damage)


Damage of a weapon 100-200
Bonus damage: 200
Bonus critical damage: 50%
Base damage: (100 + 200) / 2 = 150
Normal hit: (150 + 200) * (70%-130%) = 350 * (0.7-1.3) = 245-455 damage
Critical hit: (245-455) * (100% + 50%) = (245-455) * 1.5 = 367-683 damage

Average Damage calculation

Medium Damage of a normal hit

(Base Damage + Bonus Damage) / 2

Average Damage

Average damage is harder to calculate, as you need to know the probability of a critical hit.

(Medium Damage * Bonus Critical Damage * Critical Damage Chance%) + (Medium Damage * (100% - Critical Damage Chance%))

Average Damage per Mana usage

Average Damage / Mana usage

Average Damage per Second

Average Damage / (Weapon Cooldown * (100% - Cooldown Reduction%))

Mana Potion Regeneration

When player is constantly using Mana potions, it works similarly to Bonus Mana Regeneration. Mana can be replaced with energy for physical fighters.

Restored Mana / (Mana Potion Casttime + Mana Potion Cooldown)

Average Constant Damage per Second

When using a weapon all the time, it is referred to as bursting.

Average Damage per Mana usage * (Mana Regeneration while holding Weapon + Mana Potion Regeneration + Mana Regeneration while holding Weapon * Mana Potion Cooldown) = Average Constant Damage per Second

Average Constant Burst Time

Burst Time using a single weapon

All calculations are made with the assumption that the player has instant switching time between Mana potions and weapons. If a player casts a weapon with low Mana Regeneration and instanly switches to a weapon with higher Mana Regeneration, it would be as if the player was always holding the weapon with the higher Mana Regeneration.

(Mana Regeneration while holding Weapon + Mana Potion Regeneration + Mana Regeneration while holding best Mana Regeneration Weapon * Mana Potion Cooldown) - (Mana of weapon used / Weapon Cooldown) = Mana Gained or Lost per Second

If Mana gained is above or equal to 0 per second then the player can use that weapon indefinitely. If Mana is lost then the player cannot burst that weapon indefinitely.

Total Mana pool / Mana Lost per Second = Average Constant Burst Time in seconds
Burst Time using multuiple Weapons
Mana Regeneration while best Mana Regeneration Weapon - (Weapon Mana usage) = Mana Gained or Lost per Second for that Weapon
(Mana Gained or Lost per Second for that Weapon + Mana Potion regeneration + Mana Regen while holding best Mana Regeneration Weapon * Mana Potion Cooldown) * (X amount of weapons) = Mana Gained or Lost per Second for multiple Weapons

Total Mana Pool / Mana Gained or Lost per Second for multiple Weapons = Average Constant Burst Time for multiple Weapons in seconds


Threat is an invisible statistic that only works when multiple players are involved in a fight.

To put it simply, the player with the highest Threat gets prioritized to be attacked by Enemies.

Threat is generated by dealing damage and healing. Tank players use it to get aggro of the Enemies on themselves. It can be increased by holding weapons with Bonus Threat (it works only when the Item with Bonus Threat is currently selected in the quickbar).

Enemies atttack the person who first got in their aggro range. The aggro gets passed to another player if they generate more Threat (by dealing more damage and / or healing).

Weapon without Threat

Base damage 100-200 -> 150 average damage
 Average Threat generation per hit: 150

Weapon with Threat

Base damage 80-160 -> 120 average damage
Threat bonus +150%
Average Threat generation per hit: 120 + 120 * 150% = 120 + 180 = 300

Need or Greed

It's a drop system that works only when multiple players are in a group.

After an Enemy is defeated and it drops an Item, every player in the group gets the same loot window with the dropped Item, a timer, and two buttons labeled "Need" and "Greed". This works only for items of quality green or higher.

If all players in the group press Need, the Item goes to a randomly chosen player.

If some players pressed Need, and others pressed Greed, the Item goes to a randomly chosen player who picked Need.

If all players in the group press Greed, the Item goes to a randomly chosen player.

Not pressing any of those buttons after the timer runs out, counts as pressing Greed.

The messages in group chat saying [N=(random number)] or [G=(random number)] means how much someone has rolled out of 100 (N-need G-greed). The person who rolled the highest N number, gets the Item.


Need - I want the item.

Greed - I don't need the Item.
